In collaboration with Afro Society – Victoria University and ALIAS – La Trobe University, the African Engagement Platform, Youth and Family Support Network co-convened the African Australian Youth Forum (AAYF), on January 18, 2020.
With over 80 people in attendance, the main objective of the event was to engage young African Australians on the challenges and opportunities of integrating into a new society. It sought to empower young people with skills while also linking then to support services. Key challenges that were highlighted by the participants include: lack of mentorship; inadequate technical skills; cultural dynamics such as bias and stereotypes; and lack of enough networks.
To address these challenges, the following opportunities were identified: upskilling e.g. job readiness preparation; Upskilling including on job applications, preparation of CVs; peer mentorship, and also mentorship by successful role models; networking to enhance access to information and support; and development and strengthening of platforms to support young people.